- Şengül C. Özdek, Kamil Bilgihan, Fikret Akata, Selim Tüzün, Gökhan Gürelik, Berati Hasanreisoğlu. PRK for the treatment of post keratoplasty myopia and astigmatism. 3rd International conference on cornea, eye banking and external diseases International federation of eye banks. July 13-16, 2000, Istanbul, Turkey (Free Paper)
- Onur Konuk, Kamil Bilgihan, Şengül C. Özdek, Gökhan Gürelik, Berati Hasanreisoğlu. Improvement of stereoacuity with LASIK in unilateral high myopia. 3rd International conference on cornea, eye banking and external diseases International federation of eye banks. July 13-16, 2000, Istanbul, Turkey (Free Paper).
- Şengül C. Özdek, Yıldız Lonneville, Merih Önol, Gökhan Gürelik, Berati Hasanreisoğlu. Assessment of RNFL thickness in diabetic patients with NFA. XIII. Congress of the European Society of Ophthalmology. 3-7 June 2001, Istanbul, Turkey. (Free Paper).
- Murat Tunç, Şengül C. Özdek, Gökhan Gürelik, Berati Hasanreisoğlu, Devron H. Char. Masquerade syndromes simulating uveal melanoma. XIII. Congress of the European Society of Ophthalmology. 3-7 June 2001, Istanbul, Turkey. (Free Paper).
- Sertaç Öztürk, Şengül C. Özdek, Gökhan Gürelik, Haluk Akbatur, Fikret Akata, Berati Hasanreisoğlu. Individualized approach to the management of retinal detachments in eyes with choroidal coloboma. XIII. Congress of the European Society of Ophthalmology. 3-7 June 2001, Istanbul, Turkey. (Poster)
- Yıldız Lonneville, Şengül C. Özdek, Merih Önol, Gökhan Gürelik, Berati Hasanreisoğlu. Assessment of RNFL thickness with NFA-GDx following successful classical retinal detachment surgery. XIII. Congress of the European Society of Ophthalmology. 3-7 June 2001, Istanbul, Turkey. (Poster)
- Ayça Sarı, Şengül C. Özdek, Erhan Ilgıt, Mehmet Ünal, Berati Hasanreisoğlu. A frequently misdiagnosed condition: Carotid-cavernous sinus fistula. XIII. Congress of the European Society of Ophthalmology. 3-7 June 2001, Istanbul, Turkey. (Poster)
- Gökhan Gürelik, Murat Köksal, Yıldız Lonneville, Kamil Bilgihan, Şengül C. Özdek, Berati Hasanreisoğlu. Comparison of different techniques of cataract surgery in Behçets Disease. XIII. Congress of the European Society of Ophthalmology. 3-7 June 2001, Istanbul, Turkey. (Poster)
- Merih Önol, Şengül C. Özdek. Pars plana lensectomy with double capsule supported IOL implantation in children. XIII. Congress of the European Society of Ophthalmology. 3-7 June 2001, Istanbul, Turkey. (Video)
- Merih Önol, Şengül C. Özdek. Pars plana lensectomy with retrocorneal membrane excision in a case with Peters’ anomaly. XIII. Congress of the European Society of Ophthalmology. 3-7 June 2001, Istanbul, Turkey. (Video)
- Bilgihan K, Ozdek S, Akyar M, Can A, Semiz O, Sezer C, Hasanreisoğlu B. Demonstration of nitrotyrosine in the rabbit cornea following excimer laser keratectomy: Confocal microscobic study. XIX ESCRS, Amsterdam, 2001, Sayfa 223. (Poster)
- Bilgihan K, Ozdek S, Sarı A, Hasanreisoğlu B. A new technique for the treatment of keratoconus: Stromal sandwich. XIX ESCRS, Amsterdam, 2001 Sayfa 261. (poster)
- Bilgihan K, Ozdek S, Sarı A, Hondur A, Hasanreisoğlu B. Excimer laser assisted lamellar keratoplasty XIX ESCRS, Amsterdam, 2001. Sayfa 317. (poster)
- Bilgihan K, Konuk O, Hondur A, Akyurek N, Gurelik G, Ozdek S, Hasanreisoglu B. To live or not to live: Epithelial apoptosis and effects of topical vitamin E after LASEK. XX ESCRS, 2002, Nice Sayfa 242. (Poster)
- Sarı A, Önol M, Ozdek S, Özoğul C, Hasanreisoğlu B. Evaluation of the effect of Mytomycin-C on ciliary body and intraocular pressure in different peroperative applications: An experimental study. 4th International Glaucoma Symposium-IGS, Barcelona, Spain, 19-22 March, 2003, p: 102. (Free paper)
- Özdek Ş, Aydın B, Gürelik G, Bahçeci U, Hasanreisoğlu B. Intravitreal triamcinolone injection: is it effective in central retinal vein occlusion? 3rd Euretina Congress Abstract book p20, Hamburg, 15-17 May 2003
- Gurelik G, Özdek Ş, Aydın B, Motercimzadeh G, Hasanreisoğlu B. Transpupillary thermotheraphy in the treatment of classical choroidal neovascularization. XIII. Afro-Asian Congress of Ophthalmology, Abstract Book, p85, İstanbul, June 18-22, 2004.
- Aydın B, Özdek Ş, Gürelik G, Bahçeci U, Motercimzadeh G, Hasanreisoğlu B. Intravitreal Triamcinolone injection; Is it effective in CRVO. XIII. Afro-Asian Congress of Ophthalmology, Abstract Book, p89, İstanbul, June 18-22, 2004.
- Ozdoğan S, Gürelik G, Özdek Ş, Uslu M, Hasanreisoğlu B. Measurement of axial length in combined silicone oil removal and cataract extraction using X-ray computed tomography. Afro-Asian Congress of Ophthalmology, Abstract Book, p109, İstanbul, June 18-22, 2004.
- Bozan E, Gürelik G, Özdek Ş, Hasanreisoğlu B. Carbamazepine-induced macular lesions. Afro-Asian Congress of Ophthalmology, Abstract Book, p140, İstanbul, June 18-22, 2004.
- Gürelik G, Özdek Ş, Bahçeci U, Aydın B, Hasanreisoğlu B. İntravitreal triamcinolone acetonide in the treatment of macular edema associated with branch retinal vein occlusion. Afro-Asian Congress of Ophthalmology, Abstract Book, p141, İstanbul, June 18-22, 2004.
- Aydın B, Özdek Ş, Gürelik G, Motercimzadeh G, Bahçeci U, Hasanreisoğlu B. Transpupillary thermotheraphy in the treatment of occult choroidal neovascular membranes due to senile macular degeneration. Afro-Asian Congress of Ophthalmology, Abstract Book, p143, İstanbul, June 18-22, 2004.
- Bahçeci U, Konuk O, Özdek Ş, Gürelik G, Hasanreisoğlu B. Acquired ocular motor apraxia. Afro-Asian Congress of Ophthalmology, Abstract Book, p122, İstanbul, June 18-22, 2004.
- Özdek Ş, Bahçeci UA, Gürelik G, Aydın B, Hasanreisoğlu B. Posterior subtenon and intravitreal triamcinolone acetonide for diabetic macular edema. EVRS meeting, Abstract Book, İstanbul Sept 2004.
- Erdinç A, Özdek Ş, Gürelik G, Aydın B, Bahçeci U, Hasanreisoğlu B. Optical coherence tomographic assessment of diabetic macular edema: Comparison with fluorescein angiographic and clinical findings. EVRS meeting, Abstract Book, İstanbul Sept 2004.
- Pehlivanlı Z, Özdek Ş, Gürelik G, Motercimzadeh G, Hasanreisoğlu B. Transpupillary thermotheraphy (TTT) for occult choroidal neovascularization in age related macular degeneration. 17 months follow-up. 15th SOE Congress, Berlin, 25-29 September 2005, p: 181.
- Miller D, Ozdek S, Flynn P, Flynn HW. Jr. Laboratory investigation of the antifungal activity of the 4th generation fluoroquinolones against ocular candida isolates. 30 International Congress of Ophthalmology, Feb 19-24, 2006, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
- Özdek Ş, Öztürk N, Gürelik G, Hasanreisoğlu B. High-density silicone oil as an intraocular tamponade in complex retinal detachments. 7th Euretina Congress, Monte Carlo, 17-20 May 2007, p: 59.
- Özdek Ş. Flute technique for IOFB removal. 7th EVRS Meeting, Venice, September 15-18, 2007, p:36.
- Exudative retinal detachment associated with nanoftalmus AAO-TAOS, 2007
- DME-IVBT-Fako. 2007
- Özdek Ş. My way of assessment of neovascular ARMD activity. 8th EVRS meeting, Praq, September 15-18, 2008; P:128.
- Özdek Ş. My way of silicone oil removal. 8th EVRS meeting, Praq, September 15-18, 2008;P:114
- Ozdek S, Tiftikcioglu Y, Kalkancı A, Akyürek N, Hasanreisoglu B. In vivo antifungal activity of moxifloxacin in an experimental C. albicans endophthalmitis in rabbits. Asia-ARVO, Hyderabad, January 15-18, 2009.
- Özdek Ş, Özmen C, Hasanreisoğlu B. Assessment of CNV activity with a new activity scoring system. 9th EVRS meeting 5-8 September, 2009, Marrakech p122.
- Özdek Ş, Özmen C, Hasanreisoğlu B. Definition and management of non-responders to anti-VEGF for CNV. 9th EVRS meeting 5-8 September, 2009, Marrakech, p120.
- Özdek Ş, Eryiğit S, Hasanreisoğlu B. Loading with Lucentis, maintenance with avastin: Can we maintain the visual acuity? 10th EVRS meeting 25-28 September, 2010, Sevilla, p52.
- Özdek Ş, Eryiğit S, Hasanreisoğlu B. RPE tears and relation with anti-VEGF therapies. 10th EVRS meeting 25-28 September, 2010, Sevilla, p53.
- Özdek Ş. Surgical treatment of exudative retinal detachment in eyes with Nanophthalmus. 10th EVRS meeting 25-28 September, 2010, Sevilla.
- Özdek Ş, Eryiğit S, Hasanreisoğlu B. Loading with Lucentis, maintenance with avastin: Can we maintain the visual acuity? AAO annual meeting, p 213, 14-19, October, 2010, Chicago.
- Özdek Ş, Eryiğit S, Hasanreisoğlu B. RPE tears and relation with anti-VEGF therapies. AAO annual meeting, p213, 14-19 October, 2010, Chicago.
- Özdek Ş, Yaylacioglu F. Passive removal of silicone oil with 23G transconjunctival system. 11. EVRS Congress, 1-4 October, 2011, Malta.
- Özdek Ş. Treatment of optic pit related macular detachment. 11. EVRS Congress, 1-4 October, 2011, Malta.
- Özdek Ş, Yüksel E. Chorioretinectomy for perforating eye injuries. 11. EVRS Congress, 1-4 October, 2011, Malta.
- Ozdek S, Deniz NG. Terminologic confusion in diabetic macular edema. EVRS, Dresden, September, 16-18, 2012
- Ozdek Ş, Yazıcı H. What happens to macula following epimacular membrane surgery: OCT and visual changes. EVRS, Dresden, September, 16-18, 2012
- Ozdek S, Eryigit S. Do Neovascular AMD lesions associated with PED behave differently to anti-VEGF treatment? (poster) EVRS, Dresden, September, 16-18, 2012
- Ozdek S. Vitreoretinal Surgery for ROP: Tips and Tricks. 6th Mediterretina Club Meeting, 7-10 March 2013, Cortina, Italy
- Ozdek S. How to handle complications during vitrectomy for macular pathologies. 6th Mediterretina Club Meeting, 7-10 March 2013, Cortina, Italy
- Ozdek S. When to inject in neovascular AMD: Retreatment Strategies. 6th Mediterretina Club Meeting, 7-10 March 2013, Cortina, Italy
- Ozdek S. Ozurdex in vitrectomized eyes. 13th EVRS Meeting, 7-10September, 2013, Rhodes, Greece.
- Ozdek S, Doguizi S. Tachyphylaxis during ranibizumab treatment of exudative ARMD. 13th EVRS Meeting, 7-10September, 2013, Rhodes, Greece.
- Ozdek S. Surgical approach to massive subretinal hemorrhages secondary to neovascular ARMD. 13th EVRS Meeting, 7-10 September, 2013, Rhodes, Greece.
- Ozdek S, Doguizi S. RPE tears associated with anti-VEGF therapy. 13th EVRS Meeting, 7-10September, 2013, Rhodes, Greece.
- Ozdek S. Salvage of a suprachoroidal infusion. 13th EVRS Meeting, 7-10September, 2013, Rhodes, Greece.
- Ozdek S. Postoperative macular hole closure patterns and its relation with the visual outcome. 13th EVRS Meeting, 7-10September, 2013, Rhodes, Greece.
- Ozdek S. PPV with choroid-RPE patch graft for massive subretinal hemorrhage due to neovascular ARMD. (video) 13th EVRS Meeting, 7-10September, 2013, Rhodes, Greece.
- Yıldız BK, Ozdek Ş, Ergun MA, Ergun SG, Yaylacıoglu F, Elbeg S. The relationship between genetic polymorfisms and Anti-VEGF treatment response in ARMD. 13th International AMD and Retina Congress. 25-26 October 2013, Dublin, Ireland.
- Özdek Ş. What to do when you have a break during ROP surgery? Video. AAO, 2013 Annual Meeting, New Orleans, USA.
- Özdek Ş. Vitrectomy with choroid-RPE patch graft for massive hemorrhage associated with neovascular ARMD. Video. AAO, 2013 Annual Meeting, New Orleans, USA.
- Ozdek S, Doğuizi S. Tachyphylaxis During Anti-VEGF Treatment of Exudative ARMD. WOC, April 2014, Tokyo.
- Ozdek S et al. Surgical treatment of Persistant Fetal Vasculature Syndrome. 7th Mediterretina Meeting, 15-17 April, 2014, Istanbul, Turkey.
- Yalınbaş D, Ozdek S, Özmen C, Atalay T. Results of Vitreoretinal surgery for stage 4-5 ROP. 7th Mediterretina Meeting, 15-17 April, 2014, Istanbul, Turkey.
- Karalezli A, Ozdek S. Surgical treatment of retinal hemangioblastoma. 7th Mediterretina Meeting, 15-17 April, Istanbul, 2014, Turkey.
- Ozdek S, Cubukcu Ö. Management of limited submacular hemorrhage. 7th Mediterretina Meeting, 15-17 April, Istanbul, 2014, Turkey.
- Ozdek S, Doğuizi S. Tachyphylaxis During Anti-VEGF Treatment of Exudative ARMD. ASRS Meeting, 9-13 August 2014, San Diago,
- Ozdek S. Sclerotomy construction in pediatric vitrectomy. 14th EVRS meeting 4-7 Sept 2014, Porto.
- Ozdek S. Surgical strategies for the treatment of optic pit related macular detachment. 14th EVRS meeting 4-7 Sept 2014, Porto.
- Epiretinal membranes in neovascular age-related macular degeneration: effect on outcomes of anti-VEGF therapy. Ozdek S, Karaca EE, Yıldız BK. 14th EVRS meeting 4-7 Sept 2014, Porto.
- My way in recurrent Optic Pit Maculopathy. Ozdek S, Ozdemir B. Video. 14th EVRS meeting 4-7 Sept 2014, Porto.
- Surgical Strategies for the treatment of persistent optic pit related macular detachment. Video presentation in Learning Lounge in October 2014, AAO, Chicago, USA.
- My coolest video: Scatricial ROP surgery: August Viena, ASRS 2015
- Free ILM flap for complicated macular holes. Vail Vitrectomy Club meeting 20-23 Feb, 2016, Vail, Denver, Colorado, USA.
- Definition of Cystoid macular degeneration in DME. Yalçın G, Özdek S. EVRS meeting, Monte Carlo, June 2016.
- Macular Edema: The impact of macular and peripheral ischemia in DME. EVRS June 2016, Monte Carlo.
- AMD: Individualized anti-VEGF treatment approach for wet ARMD. EVRS June 2016, Monte Carlo.
- Bilateral Sequential VRS for ROP. ASRS August, Las Vegas, 2016
- Unexpected retinal complications in PFV surgery: Video Presentation: ASRS August, Las Vegas, 2016
- Do not underestimate PFV. 9. Mediterrenean Retina meeting, 11-13 May, 2017, Parma, Italy.
- Hemorrhagic response during anti-VEGF treatment of wet ARMD. Mediterrenean Retina meeting, 11-13 May, 2017, Parma, Italy.
- Surprises in surgical treatment of PFV. Ozdek S, Ozdemir E, Atalay, HT. ASRS August, Boston, 2017.
- A Modified Perfluoro-n-octane Assisted Autologous Internal Limiting Membrane Transplant for Failed Macular Hole Reintervention: A Case Seriesby Sengul Ozdek, Prabu Baskaran, Levent Karabas, Pedro Neves, Turkey EVRS 14-17 Sept 2017, Florence, Italy
- Late Cicatricial ROP: Should we Operate?by Sengul Ozdek, Tuba Atalay, EVRS 14-17 Sept 2017, Florence, Italy
- Last Chance for Treatment of Hypotony: Anterior Encircling Scleral Bandby Sengul Ozdek, M. Cuneyt Ozmen, EVRS 14-17 Sept 2017, Florence, Italy
- Surgical Treatment of Advanced Coats Diseaseby Sengul Ozdek, Ahmet Yucel Ucgul, Tuba Atalay, EVRS 14-17 Sept 2017, Florence, Italy
- Parameters affecting postoperative success of surgery for stage 4A/B ROP. Ozdek S, Ozsaygılı C, Ozmen MC, Yalınbaş D, Atalay HT. ASRS, Vancouver, July 2018.
- Surgery for Retinal Detachment Associated With 2 Devastating Retinal Diseases of the Newborn: ROP and Toxoplazma Chorioretinitis. (Video). Ozdek S, Hasanreisoğlu MH, Küçük GG, Atalay HT, Aktaş Z. ASRS, Vancouver, July 2018.
- Nanophthalmus Related Exudative Retinal Detachment With LP Only Vision. Case on Demand. Ozdek S. ASRS, Vancouver, July 2018.
- ROP or FEVR? Case Presentation in WinR. Ozdek S, Tefon AB. ASRS, Vancouver, July 2018.
- Parameters Affecting Postoperative Success of Surgery for Stage 4a / 4b ROP by Ozdek S, Ozsaygılı C, Ozmen MC, Atalay HT, Yalınbas D, Aktaş Z. EVRS 18th, August 2018, Prague.
Do Not Underestimate PFV by Ozdek S, Özdemir E, Atalay HT, Aktaş Z. EVRS 18th, August 2018, Prague.